How it works

One Tool, Many Functions

All-in-one research tool for new and experienced sellers

A radar going scanning over Amazon and Walmart for competitor's products.


Discover profitable products and steal strategies from your competitors

An image showcasing prices and profits skyrocketing when using Alqen.


Uncover market trends and keywords to rank higher, improve listing visibility, and get more organic traffic

An image showcasing that Alqen is a multichannel solution for the Amazon and Walmart marketplace.


Essential features and support from successful sellers to guide your growth


Better Decisions with Blanket Data

With additional seller insights your business choices are covered

Historical Data chart to showcase that Alqen has proprietary historical data for products, brands, sellers, and subcategories.

Historical Proprietary Data

We have unique access to extensive historical analytics, giving you an edge in accuracy

An image going over more from Alqen's tools.

More is Best

Make better data-driven decisions to save time and money.

An image showcasing that Alqen updates their products monthly.

Updated Monthly

We update ALQEN once a month, ensuring current and relevant data for your business

Features + Benefits

Superior data-driven tool
that will take your business
further, faster

Product Intelligence

Discover highly profitable products with low competition

Learn more

Market Intelligence

Find new and safe opportunities/trends to maximize profit and minimize loss

Learn more

Seller Tools

Maximize your seller experience with our UPC Scanner, Sales Estimator, and Supplier Database.

Learn more

Smart Systems

Speed up the process of researching with smart filters and enjoy a spreadsheet-like experience.

Learn more
Coming soon

Keyword Intelligence

Search for the words that will help you rank higher and cut costs

Learn more
Coming soon

Tracking Intelligence

Track products, keywords, and competitors to maintain and grow your progress

Learn more

Strength in Numbers

Here’s why ALQEN has the best research data:

Data Scientists
Cumulative Research Hours
Annual Research Hours

More Sales for All

Any e-commerce professional can use ALQEN to launch and grow their business

“As a new Amazon seller, Alqen's AI tools helped me identify profitable niches and optimize my listings to increase sales quickly.”

A woman with blonde hair is smiling for the camera.
Sarah Klein
Online Arbitrage Seller
Star icon

“As a new Amazon seller, Alqen's AI tools helped me identify profitable niches and optimize my listings to increase sales quickly.”

A woman with blonde hair is smiling for the camera.
Sarah Klein
Online Arbitrage Seller
Star icon

“As a new Amazon seller, Alqen's AI tools helped me identify profitable niches and optimize my listings to increase sales quickly.”

A woman with blonde hair is smiling for the camera.
Sarah Klein
Online Arbitrage Seller
Star icon

“As a new Amazon seller, Alqen's AI tools helped me identify profitable niches and optimize my listings to increase sales quickly.”

A woman with blonde hair is smiling for the camera.
Sarah Klein
Online Arbitrage Seller
Star icon

“As a new Amazon seller, Alqen's AI tools helped me identify profitable niches and optimize my listings to increase sales quickly.”

A woman with blonde hair is smiling for the camera.
Sarah Klein
Online Arbitrage Seller
Star icon

“As a new Amazon seller, Alqen's AI tools helped me identify profitable niches and optimize my listings to increase sales quickly.”

A woman with blonde hair is smiling for the camera.
Sarah Klein
Online Arbitrage Seller
Star icon

“As a new Amazon seller, Alqen's AI tools helped me identify profitable niches and optimize my listings to increase sales quickly.”

A woman with blonde hair is smiling for the camera.
Sarah Klein
Online Arbitrage Seller
Star icon

“As a new Amazon seller, Alqen's AI tools helped me identify profitable niches and optimize my listings to increase sales quickly.”

A woman with blonde hair is smiling for the camera.
Sarah Klein
Online Arbitrage Seller
Star icon

“As a new Amazon seller, Alqen's AI tools helped me identify profitable niches and optimize my listings to increase sales quickly.”

A woman with blonde hair is smiling for the camera.
Sarah Klein
Online Arbitrage Seller
Star icon

“As a new Amazon seller, Alqen's AI tools helped me identify profitable niches and optimize my listings to increase sales quickly.”

A woman with blonde hair is smiling for the camera.
Sarah Klein
Online Arbitrage Seller
Star icon

More Sales for All

Any e-commerce professional can use ALQEN to launch and grow their business

Online Arbitrage

Find your first winning product

“Alqen's product filters save me hours every week. I can pinpoint items with good profit margins and low competition way faster than I could manually.”

A woman with blonde hair is smiling for the camera.
Sarah Klein
Online Arbitrage Seller
Star icon


Profit big with big names

“Alqen's UPC Scanner simplifies wholesale sourcing. It quickly shows me the most profitable products from my suppliers and helps me find new ones.”

A close up of a person wearing a sweater.
Mike Bennett
Wholesale Seller
Star icon

Private Label

Build a brand you love

“Finding profitable niches and the right keywords used to be a struggle. Alqen's Subcategory Explorer and keyword research tool have simplified the process.”

A woman standing in front of a cityscape.
Jenny Lee
Brand Owner
Star icon

Business Buyer

Purchase your next e-commerce brand

“Alqen's Seller Research is essential for my due diligence. It gives me an accurate picture of a business's potential from sales to growth before I consider an acquisition. ”

A young man standing on a city street.
Alex Patel
E-commerce Investor
Star icon


Grow your agency

“Alqen gives my clients the data-driven results they demand.  We use it for competitor analysis, listing optimization, and to track campaign success.”

A man with a beard and a black hoodie.
Drew Maxwell
Agency Founder
Star icon
Various Marketplace Support

Compatible with Every

Find profitable products and increase sales on one or all platforms

Coming Soon

Our Friends are

Your Friends

Our partnership with Walmart will allow you to grow with them as they compete against Amazon for the #1 selling platform in the world

Learn more

Support from
Successful Sellers

Get your questions answered from the people who are where you want to be

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For Sellers

By Sellers

We created the tool we wish we had when we started

Learn more
All-In-One Tool

The All-In-One Research Tool
for Any Seller

Sign up to get full access for just


(billed monthly)

Amazon & Walmart Databases

Filter by revenue, sellers & more

Unlimited seller & brand research

Unlimited Sales Estimate

Up to 5,000 UPC scans /mo.

Smartscout Logo

: Brand Research

$187 / month

Helium10 Logo

: Market Research

$279 / month

: Competitor Research

$199 / month

: Product Database

$99 / month